SaleHoo Wholesale Merchandise

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Wholesale Electronic Supply Dropshippers - Good Luck Finding A Legit One

Finding a dealer who will help you with Wholesale Electronic Supply is not the easiest task out there. As a matter of fact, doing this utilizing Google and Yahoo to do raw searches over the Internet is next to impossible.

Granted, you may run across some companies that offer Wholesale Electronic Supply. But, be warned, these companies are often middle men posing as drop shippers to gain you as a client. I will not go as far to say that these companies are crooked or are in the act of scamming folks, but they certainly stand between you and the legitimate Wholesale Electronic Supply drop shipper.

Your best bet is to go with a legitimate drop shipping company. The best way to find these is to pay the fee and join one of the reputable wholesale distributor services that are accessible online. I've gone through, tested and communicated with many of them myself to resolve their legitimacy.

One of the best wholesale distributor companies is OneSource - World Wide Brands. I have used them for my own ecommerce sites for a few years and find that they have a massive amount of legitimate wholesale distributors already lined up for you to contact. All of their distributors have been verified and most of them offer drop shipping services. Give them a look.

Good Luck,